Donor Opportunities

Donor Recognition and Naming Opportunities Policy

Approved April 19, 2016

The Board of Trustees of the Wood County District Public Library has exclusive authority to establish recognition programs and/or naming opportunities that would recognize service and/or monetary contributions to the library, including contributions to the Foundation and to the Friends.  All monetary contributions will be directed to the Foundation in order for the donor to realize the complete tax benefit of those contributions.

The Board recognizes that creating a new recognition program or naming opportunity is a decision of immense importance. While the Board is grateful for and encourages donations from all individuals, businesses and organizations, the Board has the right to decline any gift to the library and/or reject any recognition or naming proposals.

Recognition Guidelines:

  1. Recognition plaques or programs will be created as needed.  Recognition is limited to substantial gifts of service or funds.
  2. Current recognition programs include:
    1. Capital Campaign and Renovation donations that support building projects.
    2. A plaque recognizing all donations via printed list published annually and engraving names of donors of 1-time gifts over $1,000.
    3. $1,000+ Donors to the Foundation’s Benefit at Schedel Gardens.
    4. The John Gibson Customer Service award.
    5. The Legacy of 1875 Recognition.
    6. The Friends Volunteer of the Year award.

Naming Guidelines:

  1. Rooms, reading lounges, special use areas, green spaces, walkways, other interior, and exterior spaces, and facilities or a portion of a facility may be named or renamed by the Board to recognize a donor or supporter. Appropriate contributions for such naming opportunities will be at the discretion of the Board and will be determined by square footage cost, actual cost of equipment, on-going operating cost, etc., depending on the specific area or item.
  2. Collections may be named or renamed by the Board to recognize a donor. Appropriate contributions for such naming opportunities will be at the discretion of the Board and will be determined by cost of materials, staff, on-going operating costs, etc. depending on the specific program or collection.
  3. The Board may name or rename library buildings. The Board will review, consider and approve or decline a proposal that a library building bear a designated name only when a prospective donor wishes to make a substantial gift to the Library.
  4. For contributions toward an existing building, a substantial gift is defined as at least 75 percent of the current assessed value of the facility or a number agreed upon by the Board.
  5. For contributions toward new construction or significant renovation of an existing building, a substantial gift is defined as at least 75 percent of the total project cost or a number agreed upon by the Board.
  6. The name of the neighborhood in which the library building resides will be included in a facility’s name unless otherwise agreed upon by the Board.
  7. The Board reserves the right to terminate or alter a naming designation under unusual or extraordinary circumstances.
  8. If a distinctively named area is relocated, substantially remodeled, or converted for use other than its original use, the area may be renamed to reflect the association of new donors or community interests related to the changing facility. In such instances, the original name shall be honored in an appropriate manner.
  9. Naming a collection, facility or portion of a facility to honor individuals who have contributed significantly to the library rather than a donor is permitted. Generally, the Library does not allow the naming of a collection, facility or portion of a facility after a living person.  Those honored with such a naming might be: persons who have contributed significantly, in one way or another, to the growth and development of the Library; an illustrious former employee, board member, or volunteer.
  10. Exterior gardens and landscaping areas are currently full in terms of trees, statues, rocks, plaques, and other gift/naming opportunities.
  11. Signage:
    1. The named areas or rooms are acknowledged with plaques in the area and/or on the Capital Campaign donor wall in the main hallway.
    2. Some gifts are difficult to recognize with a plaque but are acknowledged with nameplates (if possible) or signs, and through our annual donor recognition process.


List of Naming Opportunities*:

Level One:

1.  Bowling Green Library Building $9,000,000
2. Walbridge Library Building $3,000,000



Level Two:

1. Bookmobile $200,000
2. Walbridge Meeting Room $150,000
3. Walbridge Reading Lounge $150,000
4. BG 2nd Floor Meeting Room D (former TechLab) $150,000
5. Children’s Story Room  $150,000
6. Local History Area $150,000 (reserved)


Level Three:

1. BG 2nd Floor Group Study Room #1 $25,000
2. BG 2nd Floor Group Study Room #2 $25,000
3. BG 2nd Floor Meeting Room C $50,000
4. BG 2nd Floor Main Street Reading Lounge $50,000
5. Teen Space $30,000
6. Carter House (also requires consent of R&P Maurer)  
          a. Red Parlor $30,000 (reserved)
          b. Central dining room $30,000
          c. Bay window room $30,000
          d. Kitchen and Entry room $20,00


Level Four:

1. Children’s Courtyard  $15,000
2. BG 2nd Floor Quiet Study Alley $15,000
3. Tutor Room #1 $10,000
4. Tutor Room #2  $10,000
5. 2nd Floor Technology Area  $10,000
6. Collections  
          a. General Fiction $20,000
          b. Mysteries $5,000
          c. Science Fiction/Fantasy $5,000
          d. Inspirational Fiction $5,000
          e. Romance  $5,000
          f. Large Print $5,000
          g. Undesignated Dewey “tens range”  $5,000
          h. Others defined by director $5,000+ (depends on size & subject)


Level Five

1. Outside benches (metal) $1,000
2. Outside benches (wood) $500
3. Outside bistro table and 2 chairs $500
4. Annual replacement of dead trees, shrubs, etc. $500 estimate
6. Walbridge Annual Landscaping $500
7. Maya Lin Child’s Stone (for courtyard)  $200 each (Annual need to replenish worn items)
8. Toys and costumes for Children’s Play Area $200 (Annual need to replenish worn items)
9. Memorial/Honor/Buy-a-Book Program A donor gives a financial gift of $10 or more and a list of preferred subject areas (World War II history, gardening, mysteries, audiobooks, etc.) in memory or in honor of someone, or simply to help support the library.  Staff members then select titles that match the suggested subjects and bookplates are placed inside the books.


*Dollar amounts are minimums.

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